22 Nov 2006

JRockit didn't Rock

Well, I tested as I promised. BEA JRockit hadn't problems with handling JDIC library - it is just better at ignoring staff that it doesn't handle. But I've noticed problems with rendering pieces. I examined through a game, or played, not sure :), and all of the sudden I got just the raw silhouettes of the pieces. It looked bad. Is it a surprise that Sun's Java is a winner in this test?

I still struggle to create a JBughousePiecePanel thingy. It will (hopefully soon) render pieces available for both players to drop on the board. I dream to say someday "Happy dropping!".

7 Nov 2006

Does Big and Blue means Bad and Begone?

Recently I wanted to test whether Tonic works on Java Virtual Machine from IBM. I was surprised to conclude that JDIC project uses some feature of Sun's Java VM that is not available in IBM's thus I crashes Tonic on this VM. So my rant questions are: Do developers of JDIC know it? Did they test against various VMs? I will certainly test Tonic on BEA JRockit 5.0 I have downloaded at the very moment of writing this entry.