17 Feb 2007

New features in Tonic in comparison to Jin

I'd like to put to this post all features that make Tonic different from Jin. I'll be updating it when new features come. If you would like to read about my thought on some of the mentioned features you can read posts labeled 'feature'.

In short:
Multiple consoles with multiple types.
Channels in tabs.
Shouts, cshouts in tabs.
Text field easing user from retyping commands.
GUI for adding/removing many channels at once.
Timestamp in Channels Manager consoles (optional).
Tray Icon (optional) with closing without confirmation and move/game end notification.

1. In Tonic you can have multiple consoles.
You can specify the type of each created console and it will be created with editable field that will help to send similar commands to server. For example you can create console for chess shout and have a text field that will save you typing 'cshout' every time you want to chess-shout :).

You can also create console that will receive multiple types of messages. Just choose 'custom' and type in what type you want it to be.

And you can also choose 'Talk with' menu item from context menu in consoles. Of course it works only if you have someone's name highlighted.

2. Tonic has Channels Manager.
First of all it show channels content in tabs. Shouts (both 'shout' and 'it' or '-->'), chess shouts and all other text - tells feedback (like '(told 106 players in channel 106'), finger notes, variables etcetera.

You can remove channel from channels list just by closing the channels tabs or you can use a dialog for adding/removing channel and you can do it with many at once. You can call this dialog by clicking right mouse button over the tab.

You can set up Tonic to append timestamp in front of chat messages in channel tabs.

3. Tray icon.
Tray icon is optional so if your system tray is full of icons you spare it the pleasure of hosting Tonic's one.

Tray icon have context menu which provides user possibilty to close Tonic without confiramtion, you can also reconnect and minimize Tonic (when in MDI mode).

Icon in the system tray/notification area changes when game ends, move is made and so on.

Enjoy Tonic!

to be contiued...

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